Who we are
Capital Markets in Africa is the leading “one-stop” platform dedicated to Africa’s fastest-growing financial, capital markets and asset management industry. Capital Markets in Africa aims to support local and International investors, senior decision makers, institutions, Policy Makers or individuals interested in the African Stock Markets by providing a platform for Analysis, Research, Features and Outlooks, as well as “key Risks and opportunities” available on the African Continent.
Over the last few years Africa has consistently been named as the next Frontier for Capital growth by Financial Analysts due to the unprecedented economic growth, relative Political stability and the gradual development of its infrastructure. The region is beset with a growing, youthful and well educated population lending itself to modern ideas and creativity in tackling it’s unique challenges. This creativity along with a burgeoning entrepreneurial spirit has seen an explosion of innovative companies, individuals and policies created to meet these challenges giving rise to unprecedented success stories.
Capital Markets in Africa recognises this enterprising spirit and the investment opportunities that come with this phenomenon and as such aspires to showcase Africa as an attractive investment destination giving our readers the latest news, views and some guidance on how to gain access to and profit from the region.
Capital Markets in Africa therefore aims to provide:
A daily Market Watch summarising highlights from the various African Stock Exchanges.
Financial News updates across Private Equity, Banking, Insurance, Debt and Bond Markets, Infrastructure and Energy.
An Experts view detailing what Analysts think are attractive investments as well as an experts perspective on leading business, financial and investment issues of the day.
Profiles on the leading Funds, Listed Companies, attractive sectors, Stock Market participants and some of the major players in the African Financial Markets.
The latest Events focused on Investing in Africa, Funds and Fund Raising as well as conferences involving Policy Makers, investment Opportunities, Resources and Networking Events for Investors.
Capital Markets in Africa excels at providing insightful analyses of the fundamental drivers of growth and investment in Africa’s financial and capital markets. With exclusive interviews and commentaries from movers and shakers (such Chief Executive Officers, Chief Economists, Central Bank Governors etc,) on the African continent, Capital Markets in Africa is essential reading and not to be missed.
WANT access to African financial and capital markets and the Africa ever-increasing Growth Story! THINK Capital Markets in Africa. Visit us at www.capitalmarketsinafrica.com/