Botswana Equity Markets | 12 Oct 2015: Botswana equity markets recovery ushers in the bear, DCI gains 14bps, Market Cap adds BWP 64.94 Mill…

Botswana, Capital Markets in Africa — The Botswana Stock Exchange Equity Markets strong recovery saw the bear return as the Domestic Composite Index (DCI), Domestic Financial Sector Index (DFSI) and the Local Asset Sector Index (LASI) registered further gains and more stocks moved into the green at the end of trading today. Market capitalisation also added at the end of the days session with price gains in Financial stocks leading the way.
The Botswana Domestic Composite Index (DCI) gained by 14.00 points or 0.13 percent to close 10,598.53 points, up from its previous close of 10,584.86 points recorded in the previous session.
Likewise, the Local Asset Sector Index (LASI) was also up after the days trading closing at 792.96 gaining 0.13 points from its previous close of 792.83 points, a change of 0.02 percent (LASI is made up of the domestic companies and all foreign companies awarded the local asset status by the Ministry of Finance and development planning).
The Foreign Composite Index (FCI) traded neutral to close 1,562.93 points after the days trading closing 0.00 percent or 0.02 points and no change from its previous close of 1562.91 points.
The Domestic financial Sector index (DFSI) which is composed of all domestic financial sector companies, also traded up after the days session moving upwards by 0.16percent or 1.99 points to close on 1229.65 points.
The market capitalisation settled at BWP 418,916.85 million adding BWP 64.94 million with the Domestic Equity BWP accounting for BWP 50,240.61 million and the Foreign Equity Main Board accounting for BWP 368,676.24 million.
From a market activity perspective, the total daily volume settled at 601,921 shares traded which were exchanged from the 11,461 million Securities issued bringing the total turnover of those shares traded on the domestic and foreign main boards to BWP 1,785,117.88 million.
Leading the market activity in terms of the traded volumes were Choppies recording volume figures of 1,025,09, Barclays with 611,838, followed by Sefalana with 340,509.
In terms of price gainers and price losers there was nine price gainers and one price loser today leaving market breadth negative, Barclays was up 4 points to close at BWP 441 per share, BIHL was up 1 point to close at BWP 1471 per share, Choppies was up 1 point to close at BWP 421 per share, ENGEN was up 1 point to close at BWP 851 per share, Letlole was up 2 points to close at BWP 228 per share, Sechaba was up 1 point to close at BWP 2851 per share, Sefalana was up 2 points to close at BWP 1357 per share, Turnstar was up 2 points to close at BWP 299 per share and WIL was up 1 point to close at BWP 483 per share.
PRIMETIME was down 1 point to close at BWP 290 per share.