BRVM Investment Days returns to London

LONDON (Capital Markets in Africa) – The West African regional stock exchange, Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières returns to London from 8-9 April for the BRVM Investment Days Roadshow.

This flagship invitation-only event is a part of the BRVM’s development strategy as it aims to attract international investors to the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU).

BRVM Investment Days starts on 8 April, with an investor conference themed Exploring Portfolio Investment Opportunities in the WAEMU Region at the London Stock Exchange. On 9 April, two private roundtable discussions on Green and Islamic finance will take place at the Leonardo Royal Hotel London, St Pauls. The programme, featuring expert international speakers and informative panel discussions, offers two days of compelling insights, discussion and discovery.

CEO of the BRVM, Dr Edoh Kossi Amenounve, says, “I am excited to return to London for our new BRVM Investment Days Roadshow as this return is a measure of our forum’s success and value in fostering strategic, in-depth dialogue with international investors. Events like the BRVM Investment Days are essential to strengthening investor confidence in African stock exchanges while highlighting the important role exchanges play in financing their countries’ economic development.” 

The Roadshow will also promote investment opportunities by highlighting key sectors of interest, including telecommunications, financial services, agriculture and energy. The event aims to drive regional integration and highlight the economic diversification and growth opportunities in the guest country, Benin.

Benin has shown significant GDP growth, with an increase of 6.4% in 2023 and 6.6% in the second quarter of 2024. This is largely due to the government’s ongoing commitment to investor-friendly policies, structural reforms and improvement of the business environment as it stimulated economic growth and boosted the country’s competitiveness.

Dr Amenounve added, “Benin offers plenty of investment potential, especially in the agriculture, energy and tourism sectors. In terms of infrastructure, earlier this year, the African Development Bank invested € 98.3 million in modernising the Port Autonome de Cotonou by constructing a new terminal and expanding infrastructure to boost capacity and efficiency. Benin is also Africa’s top cotton producer, and efforts are underway to improve the cotton value chain for better competitiveness and sustainability. The government’s commitment to digital transformation in this sector is expected to further boost agricultural value-add by 4.3% or about $309 million by 2028.”

Melissa Cook, Managing Director of African Sunrise Partners and the Master of Ceremonies for the conference, added, “The government of Benin has made a major investment in tourism, also attracting substantial private-sector involvement. The country has emphasised its cultural attractions and other assets. Other countries are also promoting tourism. West Africa’s beautiful beaches, rain forests, cultural attractions and proximity to European air transit hubs are all assets that can help countries boost tourist arrivals. Tourism is important because it brings in foreign exchange, provides broad-based employment and supports the development of local small- and medium-sized enterprises.”

BRVM Investment Days is the premier event for institutional investors, investment advisors, corporate advisors and bankers, political and economic authorities and market players in the WAEMU and the Diaspora.

For more information about the event, visit

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