Mauritius As an Investment Hub For African

Mauritius As an Investment Hub For African

LAGOS (Capital Markets in Africa) – What role can Mauritius play as an investment hub for Africa, at a time where the continent continues to face financing gaps when it comes to the future development of its infrastructure? Energy projects are currently consuming around 60% of African infrastructure investment, and there continues to be significant demand for public and private investment to address the water supply, sanitation and ICT amongst others. It has been estimated…

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Investment in Zambia: Emerging Opportunities

Investment in Zambia: Emerging Opportunities

LAGOS (Capital Markets in Africa) – Zambia’s economy has experienced a turnaround following the recovery of commodity prices (especially copper), better rainfall resulting in greater agricultural and hydroelectricity output, strong central bank measures to stabilize the economy, and robust pro-business fiscal policies. Specifically, copper has risen from US$5,000/tonne to over US$7,000/tonne, the Bank of Zambia has lowered the policy rate from 15.5% to 9.75%, and government has removed fuel subsidies and increased electricity tariffs. Consequently,…

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The Development of Capital Markets in Sub-Saharan African From an Insurance Perspective

The Development of Capital Markets in Sub-Saharan African From an Insurance Perspective

LAGOS (Capital Markets in Africa) – When we talk about growth in Africa and all its opportunities and challenges, we probably do not relate this to insurance. When I think back to my old days at school, insurance was something for risk-averse people and probably had little to contribute to growth and development. This article argues that the impact of insurance on growth is indeed significant, but that this impact could be even stronger if…

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Shell Sees Gas as Answer in Nigeria After Decades of Oil Strife

Shell Sees Gas as Answer in Nigeria After Decades of Oil Strife

LAGOS (Capital Markets in Africa) – After decades of difficulties in Nigeria over crude theft, pollution and oil-related corruption, Royal Dutch Shell Plc still feels optimistic a fossil fuel can improve life in the country. The Anglo-Dutch oil major is seeking to develop Nigeria’s domestic energy market around natural gas. It’s plentiful, harder to steal, better for the environment and can underpin a robust industrial sector that could potentially employ thousands, according to Ed Ubong, the managing director of Shell…

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China Offers Infrastructure to Cement New Ties With Burkina Faso

China Offers Infrastructure to Cement New Ties With Burkina Faso

BURKINA FASO (Capital Markets in Africa) – Months after severing ties with Taiwan, Burkina Faso says it’s counting on Chinese money to get large infrastructure projects off the ground, including a key highway linking the West African nation’s two main cities. Burkina Faso broke off diplomatic relations with Taipei in May in favor of China, leaving only the tiny kingdom of Swaziland as the island’s last African ally and cutting the number of countries that…

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World’s Top Miner Charges Into Cobalt as Battery Ambitions Grow

World’s Top Miner Charges Into Cobalt as Battery Ambitions Grow

JOHANNESBURG (Capital Markets in Africa) – BHP Billiton Ltd., the world’s biggest miner, is advancing plans to add production of a key cobalt material used in rechargeable batteries to boost its exposure to the electric vehicle revolution. The Nickel West operation in Western Australia, aiming to sell 90 percent of its output to the battery sector by the end of next year, has had success with laboratory tests on adding production of cobalt sulphate alongside…

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Kenya Airways Keeps Delisting Option Open to Protect Finances

Kenya Airways Keeps Delisting Option Open to Protect Finances

NAIROBI (Capital Markets in Africa) – Kenya Airways Plc may revisit plans to delist from the Nairobi Securities Exchange as the loss-making carrier proceeds with a recovery strategy. The withdrawal of Africa’s third-biggest airline from the bourse was an option considered by the company during last year’s financial restructuring but was dropped, chiefly to protect minority shareholders, according to Chairman Michael Joseph. “There are no concrete plans to delist at the moment,” he said in…

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