Upcoming Events
Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreements | Live Online Course over 5 sessions
Dates Option 1: 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 February 2025, 1 – 4am GMT
Dates Option 2: 15, 17, 18, 23, 25 September 2025, 12 – 3pm GMT
These interactive 5-session workshop will provide clear explanations of the new models of Renewable Energy PPA risk allocation, of ensuring project bankability, of allowing RE generators to compete in energy markets and power pools. Case Studies will include real examples from Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/pparenewable
Energy Storage | Live Online Course
Dates option 1: 4, 5, 6, 7 February 2025, 1 – 4pm GMT
Dates option 2: 16, 17, 18, 20 June 2025, 7 – 10am GMT
Dates option 3: 17, 18, 19, 20 November 2025, 1 – 4pm GMT
Energy storage differs from other energy technologies in the breadth and complexity of its addressable market and revenue opportunities. This training course provides a comprehensive, business-focused analysis of these opportunities, allowing attendees to analyse, understand and segment them. While naturally focusing on battery storage, we also cover the variety of competing storage technologies and describe the wide variety of problems energy storage seeks to solve, at a wide range of deployment sizes and timescales, including key issues around practical project delivery.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/energystorage-online
Mastering Solar Power | Live Online Course over 5 sessions
Dates Option 1: 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 February 2025, 8 – 11am GMT
Dates Option 2: 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 October 2025, 1 – 4pm GMT
A comprehensive, up-to-date and business-focused roadmap to success in delivering solar power growth, today and tomorrow. Attendees will gain a good understanding of the key factors from an integrated, multidisciplinary and commercial viewpoint, including: target market analysis, economic competitiveness, channels-to-market, financing influences and risk, project development processes, best practices and emerging technologies.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/solar-online
EPC Contracts for Energy Industry | Live Online Course over 5 sessions
Dates Option 1: 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 March 2025, 7 – 11am GMT
Dates Option 2: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 July 2025, 11am – 3pm GMT
Dates Option 3: 17, 19, 20, 25, 26 November 2025, 8am – 12pm GMT
This course provides an in-depth analysis of EPC contracts, their interface with other project documents and their role in the project lifecycle. It discusses key risk allocation issues, and the structuring of the contract in a project financing context. Delegates will be introduced to the key terms and negotiation issues in EPC arrangements, the role and incorporation of technical details, and the impact of project specifications in EPC arrangements.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: http://www.infocusinternational.com/epc-online
Sustainable Procurement & Supply Chain Management | Live Online Course over 5 sessions
Dates: 11, 12, 13, 18, 20 March 2025, 8 – 11am GMT
The course is designed to empower professionals with the knowledge and tools needed to embed sustainability into procurement and supply chain strategies. By integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, participants will learn how to drive operational efficiency while mitigating negative impacts on the environment and society. The course offers a blend of interactive lectures, case studies, and practical exercises to explore the role of technology, risk management, and performance metrics in advancing sustainable procurement practices.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/sustainable-procurement-supply-chain
ESG and Sustainability | Live Online Course over 6 sessions
Dates: 10, 11, 13, 18, 19, 20 February 2025, 7 – 10am GMT
As the world increasingly values responsible and ethical business practices, this course provides a comprehensive exploration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles alongside practical approaches to sustainability. Over 6 sessions, delegates will gain a full picture on how business models can define their purpose and legitimacy through social and environmental lens. Delegates will also examine the main sustainable finance instruments, the ICMA principles and standards established to promote transparency and integrity in the market, with a deep-dive into each instrument’s features, benefits, and applications.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/ESG
Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) | Live Online Course over 4 sessions
Dates Option 1: 13, 18, 19, 20 March 2025, 12 – 3pm GMT
Dates Option 2: 10, 12, 13, 14 November 2025, 8 – 11am GMT
This course is intended for those in business, commercial and strategically focused roles within the energy sector; in particular those responsible for environmental matters, business sustainability and business transformation in areas such as oil & gas, hydrogen and industrial energy usage. Attendees will leave with a clearly explained and independent perspective on how, where and why CCUS is happening now and could grow in future – covering the range of technological solutions and business drivers, including policy.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/ccus
LNG Supply, Demand, Pricing & Trading | Live Online Course over 6 sessions
Dates Option 1: 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27 March 2025, 8 – 11am GMT
Dates Option 2: 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18 September 2025, 12 – 3pm GMT
The online course will, over 6 sessions, discuss the issues facing the LNG business as it seeks to meet consumer needs up to 2050. It will focus on commercial issues, but technology and shipping will also be covered. It will consider the outlook for the business in terms of markets, sources of supply, pricing and trading and the response to energy transition. It is designed not only for newcomers to LNG but also those who want to refresh their knowledge.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/lng-online
Power Purchase Agreement | Live Online Course over 5 Sessions
Dates Option 1: 18, 20, 24, 26, 27 March 2025, 7 – 10am GMT
Dates Option 2: 14, 15, 16, 22, 23 October 2025, 11am – 2pm GMT
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) operate in many different contexts. They can be used to support the development of new projects, or for the supply of energy from existing projects. In this course of 15 modules, delivered over 5 sessions, we firstly cover the fundamentals of power purchasing and important concepts that you need to understand to read, write and negotiate PPAs. After tackling the fundamentals, we examine specific components of the agreements, and focus on those most commonly the subject of negotiation between power producers and power customers. We also look at how the PPA fits into the web of contracts relating to a power development project, and the interaction between the PPA and other contracts.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/ppa-online
Renewable Energy Project Finance & Financial Modelling | Live Online Course over 6 Sessions
Date Option 1: 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16 April 2025, 7 – 10am GMT
Date Option 2: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 September 2025, 12 – 3pm GMT
The objective of this course is to provide participants with an enhanced understanding of the financial modelling and key documentation requirements of all interested parties to today’s RE PF transactions. This programme provides proven PF modelling techniques and transaction management techniques which will enable you to quantitatively assess risks, resolve constraints, and reach project financial closure. The practical models for wind, solar, hydro, biomass, and geothermal PF models will be demonstrated through a series of real-life project examples and transactions from Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North America.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/renewable-project-finance
Mastering Clean Hydrogen | Live Online Course over 5 Sessions
Dates Option 1: 7, 8, 11, 15, 16 April 2025, 1 – 4pm GMT
Dates Option 2: 4, 5, 15, 17, 18 December 2025, 1 – 4pm GMT
This comprehensive course is designed for those seeking a wide-ranging, hype-free and independent perspective on the markets and supply chain activities which will (and won’t) drive demand for clean hydrogen. Delegates will have a clearly explained, business-focused perspective on the competitive context of hydrogen across its various use cases. Delegates will be able to separate what is actually happening in the market from the headlines and hype, and to identify the drivers and credible near-term opportunities for their business. Delegates will evaluate barriers to hydrogen within certain market segments and its competitive advantages in others, illustrated by examples from a global perspective.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging & Power Grid | Live Online Course over 3 Sessions
Dates: 6, 7, 8 May 2025, 12 – 3pm GMT
Even without the rapid growth of EVs, our current power systems are in the midst of a disruptive transition towards cleaner, diversified and more flexible structures. If a transition from internal combustion engines (ICE) to electric vehicles (EVs) is to be achieved, what will be the impact on these systems? What are the barriers to scale and which solutions (and hence market opportunities) will be essential? This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the multi-sector issues that must be understood and integrated, plus the competitive battles ahead, including: technology status and trends, management of electricity demand & supply, charging network players and competitors, consumer behavior influences.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/ev
Project Finance & Project Financial Modelling | Live Online Course over 8 Sessions
Dates Option 1: 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28 May 2025, 8 – 11am GMT
Dates Option 2: 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 November 2025, 1 – 4pm GMT
The objective of this course is to provide participants with an enhanced understanding of the practical & documentation requirements of all interested parties to today’s PF transaction. This programme provides delegates with proven PF analytical strategies and transaction structuring techniques which will enable delegates to quantitatively assess risks, resolve constraints, and reach project financial closure. This programme is also designed to enhance the check lists and benchmark metrics by which delegates can reduce losses and which will be viewed favourably by both management and the regulatory community.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/projectfinance-online
Electricity Economics in Changing Electricity Markets | Live Online Course over 4 sessions
Dates Option 1: 14, 15, 16, 19 May 2025, 12 – 3pm GMT
Are you ready for the new challenges & opportunities as power markets around the world evolve?
This is an essential course both for those generating and trading electricity and for those responsible for policy within the power industry. It leads you through a clear, accessible and thorough examination of the economics of power generation, from power plant cost influences to end-customer prices. It contextualises this analysis with key consideration of industry drivers and trends, including increasingly liberalized and competitive markets, evolving policy support and management frameworks, the growth and integration of renewable power sources, and the restructuring of power systems towards more decentralised operations.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/electricityeconomics-online
Green Hydrogen Projects, Economics & Finance | Live Online Course over 5 sessions
Dates: 26, 28 August, 2, 3, 4 September 2025, 12 – 3pm GMT
This course is intended for those seeking a comprehensive explanation of the key factors which will determine the business case for green hydrogen projects (hydrogen production by electrolysis using renewable power). The course content has been developed to provide a clearly explained, business-focused and independent perspective on such projects, combining and integrating both the core technological and economic aspects. It allows attendees to look beyond the market hype, and examine the realities of green hydrogen production and its competitiveness in the market. It enables you to identify and evaluate the key numbers that are required when building a green hydrogen business model, including your ranges, uncertainties and impacts on potential project returns.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
Public-Private Partnerships | Live Online Course over 8 Sessions
Dates: 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17 October 2025, 11am – 2pm GMT
We need new infrastructure. Roads, airports, schools, hospitals and housing: the list is enormous and growing. Yet severely limited budgets, economic uncertainty caused by volatile commodity prices, and deficits continue to prevent government at all levels from delivering the kinds of structural change that has always been needed. In response, some countries have developed successful PPP programmes. Merely grasping the concepts of PPP does not do justice to our great responsibility of having an ownership in the country’s future. We already know what we need to do, now is the time to really discover HOW.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/ppp
Mastering Clean Ammonia | Live Online Course over 3 sessions
Dates: 14, 15, 16 October 2025, 7 – 10am GMT
Ammonia is a chemical commodity with long-established supply chains from production and distribution through to utilisation. However, its current production creates substantial carbon emissions, a fact at odds with public and policy desires for cleaner economies and industrial processes. In addition to cleaning up the processes of the ammonia used in current chemical applications, producers have new reasons to be excited by the growth opportunities for clean ammonia. These opportunities lie in its possible role within the ‘energy transition’. In particular, there is much interest in the role of clean ammonia as either a carrier of hydrogen fuel, or as a fuel in its own right, in sectors such as shipping and power generation.
To register/enquire, please contact:
Calvin Fong
E: calvin[at]infocusinternational.com | T: +65 6325 0235 |
W: www.infocusinternational.com/ammonia
AFSIC- Investing in Africa 2025
Date: 14 – 15 October 2025
Join Africa’s top investors and most dynamic CEOs at AFSIC – Investing in Africa. AFSIC is the largest annual Africa investment conference taking place outside Africa. Want to invest in Africa or raise capital for your company or project in Africa then AFSIC is for you. AFSIC has become a major conduit of African investment flows supported by our sophisticated African Investments Dashboard that matches Africa Investors to Investments across Africa. AFSIC is entirely focused on highlighting Africa’s best investment opportunities and offers African business leaders the opportunity to hold highly focused investment meetings with the most important Africa investors. You can also promote yourself and your company for FREE on our recently launched website www.invest-in-africa.co that will profile Africa’s top business executives, business service providers, investors and dealmakers.
Register now to take advantage of our early bird rate www.afsic.net.