Tanzania Equity Markets | 22 Sep 2015 : Bearish mood stays on DSE, Market Capitalization gains US$57Mill…

DAR ES SALAAM Tanzania, Capital Markets in Africa — The Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange equity market continued to stay in the red zone, after equity market capitalization and All Share index lower. The equity market capitalization lost TZS 122 billion (about US$56.6 million) to end at TZS 22,152 billion relative to market capitalization of TZS 22,274 billion recorded at previous trading session.
The Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange index (DSEI) plunged by 14.91 points or 0.59 percent to end at 2,529.00 points. The Tanzanian domestic Share Index plunged by 12.51 points or 0.27 percent to close at 4,587.43 points.
The Banks, Finance & Investment sector index fell by 1.94 percent or 57.85 points to end at 2,922.51 points. Industrial & Allied sector index lost 0.02 percent or 1.15 points to close at 6,225.14 points and Commercial services sector index stayed flat to settle at 4,057.89.
Today, the Dar Es Salaam Stock Exchange recorded a total turnover of TZS 1,047.23 million from 1,087,445 shares traded in 82 deals compared to the previous session which recorded a turnover of TZS 731.72 million from 153,173 shares traded in 43 deals. CRDB had 1,036635 shares traded in 40 deals and Maendeleo Bank PLC exchanged 950 shares in 2 deals. Tanzania Breweries Limited traded 34,410 shares in 14 deals. Tanzania Cigarette Company traded 6,750 shares in 13 deals and Swala Gas & Oil Tanzania Limited had 5,430 in 3 deals.
On the market strength/breath perspectives, the markets breathe ended positive today, with five gainers and four losers. Uchumi Supermarkets Limited gained 10.00 percent to settle at TZS 220.00, Jubilee Holdings Limited grew by 1.76 percent to close at TZS 10,410; Kenya Commercial Bank soared by 1.03 percent to end at TZS 980, East Africa Breweries Limited climbed by 1.01 percent to end at TZS 5,990 and Tanzania Breweries Limited surged by 0.13 percent to close at TZS 15,200. On the other hand, National Media Group (-6.62 percent to settle at TZS 2,960); Acacia Mining Limited (-4.34 percent at TZS 8,160); National Microfinance Bank (-1.75 percent at TZS 2,810) and Tanzania Portland Cement Company (-1.16 percent at TZS 3,400).